
A command line tool to query log events from ElasticSearch, a bit like tail for Logstash/ElasticSearch. Lstail queries ElasticSearch for log events and displays them on the terminal. Saved Searches from Kibana can be used for quick access to filters and prepared column configuration.…

Python Logstash Handler

Python Logstash Async is an asynchronous Python logging handler to submit log events to a remote Logstash instance. Unlike most other Python Logstash logging handlers, this package works asynchronously by collecting log events from Python’s logging subsystem and then transmitting the collected events in a separate worker thread to Logstash.…


KvmCtl assists you in administrating KVM virtual machines. It doesn’t provide a full management suite to fit all needs, it is just a little helper program to start, stop and check your virtual machines on a host.…


PyWsdlGen PyWsdlGen is a little tool to generate a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file from Python source files. It parses a given Python source file and reads all public methods defined in this file to generate a WSDL file to be used for example for SOAP services implemented in Python.…

Report generator for Logstash parse failures

Since quite some I’m using Logstash (actually the whole ELK stack) for collecting, enriching and storing log events from various servers and applications. While Logstash is great for this job, sometimes it cannot parse some log events because the events have an unknown formatting or my parsing rules don’t match well enough.…

"Memory Slots" (or: how to save memory in Python)

I recently sort of locked my workstation while I tried to query a SOAP webservice at work about for 24000 entities. While my request was as simple as “list all entities you know” to the server, its response was heavy, obviously.…

Faking a browser with Mechanize

Some time ago I tried to get the current balance of my prepaid mobile phone plan in order to implement some kind of notification if it is lower than 10 Euro.…

Django, MySQL, Time zones and how to fix it

I just stumpled upon an error while customizing the Admin in a new Django project where I first used Django 1.6: Database returned an invalid value in QuerySet.dates(). Are time zone definitions and pytz installed?…